Wednesday, August 22, 2007

An Introduction to 52 Paintings

Plein Air Painting Workshop in Lake Louise, Alberta - August 26 to Sept 2, 2007.
The Kenn Backhaus' group: I was kicked into gear to start painting again at an artists workshop in Lake Louise called Plein Air Masters. My mentor was Kenn Backhaus (middle)... an amazing painter. There were 6 of us in our group painting outside rain or shine for 7 days in the Lake Louise area. I learned tons and had a great group to work with and learn from. Above is a picture of us all on our last night (Sept 1st, 2007) at the going away dinner... We would paint all day and then have great dinners and talks in the evenings... I hardly got to spend any time in my beautiful room at the Chateau Lake Lousie - darn! But it was great to be outside in the fresh air - although a couple days I almost froze my butt off! It was a wonderful experience though - cold and all!


Anonymous said...

Love your Paintings Mar! Reserve one for your sis! xoxo Marn

Anonymous said...

You start with a tootsie pop and plunge into white water, granite and Aspen? Thank you for stretching my imagination this morning as I survey all that you have done. You are or will be, one of the Canadian Greats!
